Roche 羅氏


Roche 羅氏

Roche 羅氏代理

上海金畔生物代理Roche 羅氏公司的產品,我們竭誠為您服務,歡迎新老客戶訪問Roche 羅氏官網或者咨詢我們獲取相關產品報價使用說明書等產品信息。


瑞士巴塞爾Roche 羅氏作為PCR域的開拓者和現有領導者,羅氏的核酸純化、PCR和qPCR產品能夠從一開始就保障您的研究有效。而我們的DNA轉染、細胞分離和功能分析試劑以及蛋白質、蛋白酶和磷酸酶抑制劑產品線又可為您的整個基因和蛋白表達工作流程提供端到端解決方案。歡迎隨時探索我們的綜合產品線,了解我們如何助您實現重大研究發現。

基因組學研究 – PCR、QPCR、RT-PCR、RT-QPCR和DIG標記試劑和方案

作為一項幾乎每一家分子生物學實驗室必不可少的技術,聚合酶鏈式反應(PCR)簡單、經濟,可將特定DNA片段擴增幾個數量級。我們的專用試劑盒已針對多種PCR應用進行了優化。FastStarttm?Taq DNA聚合酶支持利用熱啟動PCR試劑構建室溫PCR反應,同時兼容自動化應用。

無論您是需要Kapa Biosystems PCR產品提取和擴增DNA,還是需要使用SYBR? Green試劑的Kapa qPCR和qRT-PCR產品,我們都能滿足您的PCR需求?;赟YBR??Green的qPCR試劑使用與雙鏈DNA分子結合的熒光染料,便于研究人員定量擴增的DNA?;谔结樀膓PCR試劑,如FastStarttm通用探針預混液(ROX),適用于所有ROX標準化的實時熒光定量PCR儀器。針對RT-PCR/qRT-PCR應用,可通過Transcriptor One-Step RT-PCR 試劑盒對RNA進行快速、靈敏、特異性的RT-PCR終點分析。通過DIG系統可輕松完成其他核酸標記應用,滿足膜雜交和原位雜交的需求。



這些蛋白酶抑制劑幾乎可以保護從任何組織或細胞分離的蛋白質。而PhosSTOP™ 磷酸酶抑制劑混合物片劑是一種速溶的水溶性制劑,含有專利的酸性和堿性磷酸酶抑制劑、絲氨酸/蘇氨酸磷酸酶抑制劑及酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酶抑制劑混合物。

細胞研究 – 細胞功能、細胞分離以及轉染試劑和實驗方案


Roche 羅氏 相關產品類別

Roche 羅氏–相關應用

Kapa KK5501 2G Fast Hot Start

Kapa KK5501 2G Fast Hot Start
上海金畔生物代理Kapa biosystems品牌產品,我們將竭誠為您服務,歡迎訪問Kapa biosystems官網或者咨詢我們獲取更多相關Kapa biosystems品牌產品信息。

Kapa KK5501 2G Fast Hot Start
規格:500 units
品牌:KAPA Biosystems

Kapa KK5501 2G Fast Hot Start
KAPA HiFi高保真DNA聚合酶
KAPA 2G Robust DNA聚合酶
KAPA 12G快速DNA聚合酶
KAPA 長片段DNA聚合酶
KAPA HiFi高保真二代測序文庫擴增試劑
KAPA HiFi高保真甲基化文庫擴增試劑
KAPA Hyper文庫準備試劑盒
KAPA 血液直接擴增試劑盒
KAPA DNA快速提取試劑盒

Kapa KK4600 SYBR Fast Kapa通用型SYBR qPCR試劑盒

Kapa KK4600 SYBR Fast Kapa通用型SYBR qPCR試劑盒
上海金畔生物代理Kapa biosystems品牌產品,我們將竭誠為您服務,歡迎訪問Kapa biosystems官網或者咨詢我們獲取更多相關Kapa biosystems品牌產品信息。

Kapa KK4600 SYBR Fast Kapa通用型SYBR qPCR試劑盒

Kapa KK4600 SYBR Fast
規格:100 x 20μL
品牌:KAPA Biosystems

Kapa KK4600 SYBR Fast
KAPA HiFi高保真DNA聚合酶
KAPA 2G Robust DNA聚合酶
KAPA 長片段DNA聚合酶
KAPA HiFi高保真二代測序文庫擴增試劑
KAPA HiFi高保真甲基化文庫擴增試劑
KAPA Hyper文庫準備試劑盒
KAPA 血液直接擴增試劑盒
KAPA DNA快速提取試劑盒

Kapa biosystems品牌介紹

Kapa biosystems品牌介紹產品列表

上海金畔生物代理銷售Kapa biosystems品牌產品,歡迎新老客戶訪問Kapa biosystems官網或者咨詢我們獲取更多相關信息。
Kapa biosystems

Kapa biosystems成立于2006年,其生產基地位于南非開普敦。致力于研發、生產下一代PCR(Next-Generation PCR)所需的生物酶。分子進化技術(酶工程)打破了現有的研究局限,為生物研究開創了一片新天地。公司技術團隊在蛋白質工程、基因組學、蛋白質組學、合成生物學方面獲得非常突出的成績。Kapa biosystems公司追求科學研究與市場化運作的完美結合,執著于“科技創造完美產品,助力生命科學研究”這一最高宗旨。



Kapa biosystems品牌產品線列表

Colony PCR
High-fidelity PCR
Fast PCR
Sanger Sequencing
Single-protocol PCR
Crude Sample PCR
GC-rich PCR
Long-range PCR
Direct Blood PCR
Direct Plant PCR
Multiplex PCR
Gene Expression
Mouse Genotyping
Food and Water Safety Testing
Whole Genome
RNA Sequencing
Targeted Sequencing
FFPE Sample Sequencing
ChIP Sequencing
Methyl Sequencing
Automated Solutions
KAPA HiFi Uracil+APA2G Robust
KAPA2G Fast Multiplex
KAPA3G Plant
KAPA Mouse Genotyping
KAPA Long Range
KAPA Blood
KAPA Express Extract
KAPA DNA Ladders
KAPA T4 DNA Ligase
KAPA Rapid Ligation System
Sample QC
DNA Library Preparation
ibrary Amplification
RNA Library Preparation
Library Quantification


品牌 貨號 產品名稱 規格
KAPA KK2502 HiFiHot Start 250 units
KAPA KK2602 KAPA 熱啟動HiFi

高保真酶 ReadyMix

KAPA KK2801 KAPAHiFiHotStart Uracil+ ReadyMix (1 x 1.25 mL) 50 x 50 μL reactions
KAPA KK5516 KAPA 2G Robust HotStart PCR Kit with dNTPs 250 U
KAPA KK5802 KAPA 2G Fast MultiplexPCR Kitz9試劑 500 x 25 μl rxns
KAPA KK8002 KAPA 純化磁珠 (60ml) 60ml
KAPA KK8504 KAPA Hyper Prep (96rxn) 96rxn
KAPA Kk8514 KAPA DNA? HyperPlus文庫構建試劑盒 (96個反應) 96rxn

KAPA 2G Fast DNA聚合酶及Ready Mix

KAPA 2G Fast DNA聚合酶及Ready Mix
KAPA 2G FAST DNA聚合酶是新一代聚合酶,較野生型Taq DNA聚合酶和其他DNA聚合酶更快速合成DNA,顯著縮短了PCR時間且不改變反應表現。對于小于1kb的人基因組DNA片段,低至1個拷貝,1秒的延伸時間即可。
貨號 簡介 備注
KK5008 KAPA 2G Fast PCR Kit with dNTPs 100 U
KK5009 KAPA 2G Fast PCR Kit with dNTPs 250 U
KK5020 KAPA 2G Fast PCR Kit 100 U
KK5021 KAPA 2G Fast PCR Kit 250 U
KK5101 KAPA 2G Fast ReadyMix PCR Kit + dye 100 x 25 μl rxns
KK5102 KAPA 2G Fast ReadyMix PCR Kit + dye 500 x 25 μl rxns
KK5500 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit with dNTPs 500 U
KK5501 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit 500 U
KK5502 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit with dNTPs 250 U
KK5503 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit 250 U
KK5510 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit with Mg-free buffer M,with dNTPs 500 U
KK5511 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit with Mg-free buffer M 500 U
KK5512 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit with Mg-free buffer M,with dNTPs 250 U
KK5513 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit with Mg-free buffer M 250 U
KK5519 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit 2500 U
KK5523 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit 100 U
KK5530 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit with dNTPs 100 U
KK5601 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart ReadyMix PCR Kit 500 x 25 μl rxns
KK5603 KAPA 2G Fast HotStart ReadyMix PCR Kit 100 x 25 μl rxns
KK5801 KAPA 2G Fast Multiplex PCR Kit 100 x 25 μl rxns
KK5802 KAPA 2G Fast Multiplex PCR Kit 500 x 25 μl rxns

Kapa KK4601 通用型SYBR快速熒光定量PCR試劑盒

Kapa KK4601 通用型SYBR快速熒光定量PCR試劑盒

KAPA SYBR? FAST? suitable for qPCR, 2 ×, Universal

普通qPCR試劑,SYBR Green Ι 的存在抑制DNA聚合酶的擴增效率,無法保證DNA模板呈指數擴增,每次擴增產物與前一次相比小于2倍。KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR試劑盒含基因工程酶,耐受SYBR Green Ι 染料。因此反應體系中可以加入足夠多的SYBR Green Ι ,顯著降低達到閾值的循環數(Ct值),提高了信噪比、線性和靈敏度。

貨號 產品名稱 備注
KK4600 KAPA SYBR FAST Universal qPCR Kit 100 x 20 μl rxns(1ml)
KK4601 KAPA SYBR FAST Universal qPCR Kit 500 x 20 μl rxns(5ml)
KK4602 KAPA SYBR FAST Universal qPCR Kit 1000 x 20 μl rxns(10ml)
KK4603 KAPA SYBR FAST ABI Prism qPCR Kit 100 x 20 μl rxns(1ml)
KK4604 KAPA SYBR FAST ABI Prism qPCR Kit ?500 x 20 μl rxns(5ml)
?KK4605 ?KAPA SYBR FAST ABI Prism qPCR Kit ?1000 x 20 μl rxns(10ml)
?KK4606 ?KAPA SYBR FAST Bio-Rad iCycler qPCR Kit ?100 x 20 μl rxns(1ml)
?KK4607 ?KAPA SYBR FAST Bio-Rad iCycler qPCR Kit ?500 x 20 μl rxns(5ml)
?KK4608 ?KAPA SYBR FAST Bio-Rad iCycler qPCR Kit 1000 x 20 μl rxns(10ml)
?KK4609 ?KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Kit for LightCycler480 100 x 20 μl rxns(1ml)
?KK4610 ?KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Kit for LightCycler480 ??500 x 20 μl rxns(5ml)
?KK4611 ?KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Kit for LightCycler480 ?1000 x 20 μl rxns(10ml)
?KK4617 ?KAPA SYBR FAST ABI Prism qPCR Kit ?5000 x 20 μl rxns(50ml)
?KK4618 ?KAPA SYBR FAST Universal qPCR Kit ?5000 x 20 μl rxns(50ml)
?KK4620 ?KAPA SYBR FAST ROX Low qPCR Kit ?500 x 20 μl rxns(5ml)
對SYBR green 染料的高耐受性

KAPA 文庫定量系列產品 (適用illumina平臺)

KAPA 文庫定量系列產品 (適用illumina平臺)

KAPA Biosystems是一家美國生物公司,成立于2006年,其生產基地位于南非開普敦。KAPA Biosystems致力于研發、生產下一代PCR(Next-Generation PCR)所需的生物酶。目前其分子進化平臺開發的產品已被廣泛應用于DNA擴增、二代測序、分子診斷等領域。


KAPA Library Quantification Kit——Illumina? Platforms


完全試劑盒-規格:1mL qPCR混合液:

DNA Standards 1 – 6 (80 μL each),Primer Mix (0.2 mL)

KAPA SYBR? FAST qPCR Master Mix(1 mL)

KK4828 – 07960166001:Universal qPCR Master Mix

200 μL ROX High (50X) and ROX

Low (50X) supplied separay

完全試劑盒-規格:5 mL qPCR混合液:

DNA Standards 1 – 6 (80 μL each),Primer Mix (1 mL)

KAPA SYBR? FAST qPCR Master Mix(5 mL)

KK4824 – 07960140001:Universal qPCR Master Mix,200 μL ROX High (50X) and ROX

Low (50X) supplied separay

KK4835 – 07960204001:ABI Prism™ qPCR Master Mix

KK4844 – 07960255001:Bio-Rad iCycler™ qPCR Master Mix

KK4873 – 07960336001:ROX Low qPCR Master Mix

KK4854 – 07960298001:qPCR Master Mix optimized for LightCycler? 480

熱銷產品 KK4824

KAPA 文庫定量試劑盒(illumina平臺)特別設計用于Illumina測序文庫的準確和可重復的定量,包含qPCR定量所需所有試劑。試劑盒含有新型KAPA SYBR FAST DNA聚合酶,保證效率的前提下,能定量平均片段長度高達1kb的Illumina文庫


KK4923 – 07960441001:Universal qPCR Master Mix,200 μL ROX High (50X) and ROX

Low (50X) supplied separay

KK4933 – 07960484001:ABI Prism qPCR Master Mix

KK4943 – 07960522001:Bio-Rad iCycler qPCR Master Mix

KK4973 – 07960727001:ROX Low qPCR Master Mix

KK4953 – 07960573001:qPCR Master Mix optimized for LightCycler 480



Kit with:Primer Mix (1 mL),DNA Standards (80 μL)

KK4808 – 07960085001:DNA Standards 1 – 6


Kits with:DNA Standards (80 μL)

KK4903 – 07960387001:DNA Standards 1 – 6

KK4905 – 07960409001:DNA Standards 0 – 6


Kit with:Dilution Control (80 μL)

KK4906 – 07960417001:DNA Standard 0


KK4809 – 07960093001:Primer Mix (1 mL)

KAPA 文庫擴增試劑盒 KAPA KK2611/KK2612

KAPA 文庫擴增試劑盒 KAPA KK2611/KK2612

上海金畔生物代理銷售Kapa biosystems品牌產品,歡迎新老客戶訪問Kapa biosystems官網或者咨詢我們獲取更多相關信息。

KAPA文庫擴增試劑盒含有KAPA HiFi DNA聚合酶,是KAPA采用定向進化技術改造的一種新型工程酶,具有高保真性和穩定性。

KAPA HiFi是NGS文庫擴增的優選聚合酶,它能夠擴增復雜DNA,同時保證高保真、高效、更低PCR重復率和低偏差擴增。需要擴增的NGS文庫構建時,有一些挑戰性區域,比如GC和AT富含區域、啟動子、低復雜性區,KAPA HiFi可以減少這些區域擴增的重復率,并提高覆蓋度。

KAPA 文庫擴增試劑盒 KAPA KK2611/KK2612 可用于


ChIP DNA等珍貴樣本的實時文庫擴增



兼容平臺 Illumina HiSeq, MiSeq, NextSeq, and GAIIx

文庫類型 DNA, RNA, and bisulfite-treated DNA

起始樣本 任何需要擴增的NGS文庫

測序應用 全基因組測序 全外顯子測序 靶向測序(panel) RNA測序 ChIP測序 擴增子測序

KAPA Library Amplification Kit 文庫擴增試劑盒

英文名稱:KAPA Library Amplification Kit




規格:50 次/ 250 次

試劑盒內容:KAPA文庫擴增試劑盒是一種聚合酶預混液(2X),包含KAPA HiFi HotStart DNA Polymerase(聚合酶),KAPA dNTPs(核苷酸),反應緩沖液和MgCl2,濃度2.5 mM。







除了標準的文庫擴增配方,KAPA HiFi還有實時PCR配方版,用于精確控制文庫擴增。

尿嘧啶耐受變體,KAPA HiFi Uracil+ 可用于亞硫酸氫鹽處理DNA的高保真、高效和低偏差擴增。


品牌 貨號 產品描述 規格
KAPA KK2611 KAPA文庫擴增試劑盒,標準版 50次
KAPA KK2612 KAPA文庫擴增試劑盒,標準版 250次
KAPA KK2620 KAPA文庫擴增試劑盒,含引物 50次
KAPA KK2621 KAPA文庫擴增試劑盒,含引物 250次
KAPA KK2702 KAPA 實時PCR文庫擴增試劑盒,含熒光標準品 250次


Product??Category Quantity 目錄價
KK8230 KAPA??LTP文庫構建(含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 10個文庫 2500
KK8231 KAPA??LTP文庫構建(不含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 10個文庫 2400
KK8232 KAPA??LTP文庫構建(含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 50個文庫 11000
KK8233 KAPA??LTP文庫構建(不含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 50個文庫 10500
KK8234 KAPA??HTP文庫構建(含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 96個文庫 18000
KK8235 KAPA??HTP文庫構建(不含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 96個文庫 17000
KK8260 KAPA??TruSeq?Adapter?Kit,?(Illumina,?20?μl?each) 144?rxn 14000
KK2620 KAPA??Library Amplification Kit with Primers (50 x 50 μl reactions) 50rxn 1800
KK2621 KAPA??Library Amplification Kit with Primers (250 x 50 μl reactions) 250rxn 8000
KK2623 KAPA??Library?Amplification?Primer?Kit?(250?x?50?μl?rxns) 250rxn 1500
KK8400 KAPA??Stranded?RNA-Seq?Library?Preparation?Kit?(Illumina,24?reactions) 24??rxn 12200
KK8401 KAPA??Stranded?RNA-Seq?Library?Preparation?Kit?(96?reactions) 96??rxn 38000
KK8420 KAPA??Stranded?mRNA-Seq?Library?Preparation?Kit?(24?reactions) 24??rxn 14000
KK8421 KAPA??Stranded?mRNA-Seq?Library?Preparation?Kit?(96?reactions) 96??rxn 44000
KK8500 KAPA??Hyper?Prep?Kit?(8?reactions) 8??rxn 3100
KK8501 KAPA??Hyper?Prep?Kit,?no?amplification?(8?reactions) 8??rxn 2970
KK8502 KAPA??Hyper?Prep?Kit?(24?reactions) 24??rxn 8100
KK8503 KAPA??Hyper?Prep?Kit,?no?amplification?(24?reactions) 24??rxn 7830
KK8504 KAPA??Hyper?Prep?Kit?(96?reactions) 96??rxn 28100



KAPA Biosystems是一家美國生物公司,成立于2006年,其生產基地位于南非開普敦。KAPA Biosystems致力于研發、生產下一代PCR(Next-Generation PCR)所需的生物酶。目前其分子進化平臺開發的產品已被廣泛應用于DNA擴增、二代測序、分子診斷等領域。

上海金畔生物代理銷售Kapa biosystems品牌產品,歡迎新老客戶訪問Kapa biosystems官網或者咨詢我們獲取更多相關信息。

HiFi高保真酶、HiFi高保真酶(二代測序)、長片段酶、與takara酶相對應的KAPA Extaq酶、HRM、SYBR熒光定量、PROBE熒光定量2G Robust酶及相關產品、2GFast酶及相關產品、血液直接擴增、DNA快速提取及擴增植物直擴、Mouse Genotyping相關產品




產品歸類? ?KAPA Product Code Product Category? ?Quantity? ? 目錄價


KAPA KK2101 HiFi 100 units ¥700.00

KAPA KK2102 HiFi 250 units ¥1,600.00

KAPA KK2501 HiFi Hot Start 100 units ¥800.00

KAPA KK2502 HiFi Hot Start 250 units ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK2601 HiFi Hot Start 100 rxn ¥800.00

KAPA KK2602 HiFi Hot Start 500 rxn ¥3,500.00


KAPA KK2611 HiFi Hot Start for NGS 50 rxn ¥800.00

KAPA KK2612 HiFi Hot Start for NGS 250 rxn ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK2701 HiFi Hot Start for NGS 50 rxn ¥2,400.00

KAPA KK2702 HiFi Hot Start for NGS 250 rxn ¥10,000.00

KAPA KK2801 KAPA HiFi? HS Uracil +ready Mix 50 x 50μL reactions ¥3,000.00

KAPA KK2802 KAPA HiFi? HS Uracil +ready Mix 250 x 50μL reactions ¥14,000.00

長片段酶 KAPA KK3006 Long Range 100 units ¥800.00

KAPA KK3005 Long Range 250 units ¥1,600.00

KAPA KK3501 Long Range Hot Start 100 units ¥900.00

KAPA KK3502 Long Range Hot Start 250 units ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK3503 Long Range Hot Start 500 units ¥3,000.00

KAPA KK3601 Long Range Hot StartReady Mix with DYE (100 x 25μL rxn) (100 x 25μL rxn) ¥1,100.00

KAPA KK3602 Long Range Hot StartReady Mix with DYE (500 x 25μL rxn) (500 x 25μL rxn) ¥4,500.00

與takara酶相對應的KAPA Extaq酶

KAPA KK3009 KAPATaq Extra(針對takara ExTaq) 250units ¥400.00

KAPA KK3505 KAPATaq Extra Hot Start(針對takara ExTaq) 250units ¥520.00

KAPA KK3604 KAPATaq Extra Hot Start Ready Mix with DYE (針對takara ExTaq) (100 x 25μL rxn) ¥400.00

KAPA KK3605 KAPATaq Extra Hot StartReady Mix with DYE(針對takara ExTaq) (500 x 25μL rxn) ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK3606 KAPATaq Extra Hot Start Ready Mix with DYE (200 x 25μL rxn) ¥800.00

HRM KAPA KK4201 KAPA HRM FAST 1ml ¥700.00

KAPA KK4202 KAPA HRM FAST 5ml ¥3,200.00

KAPA KK4203 KAPA HRM FAST 10ml ¥6,000.00


KAPA KK4600 SYBR? Fast通用型 1 ml ¥400.00

KAPA KK4601 SYBR? Fast通用型 5 ml ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4602 SYBR? Fast通用型 10 ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4618 SYBR? Fast通用型 50 ml ¥17,000.00

KAPA KK4603 SYBR? Fast(ABI Prism) 1 ml ¥400.00

KAPA KK4604 SYBR? Fast(ABI Prism) 5 ml ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4605 SYBR? Fast(ABI Prism) 10 ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4617 SYBR? Fast(ABI Prism) 50ml ¥17,000.00

KAPA KK4620 KK4620KAPASYBRFASTROXLow(5ml=500x20ulrxns) 500*20ul rxns ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4606 SYBR? Fast(伯樂型) 1 ml ¥400.00

KAPA KK4607 SYBR? Fast(伯樂型) 5 ml ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4608 SYBR? Fast(伯樂型) 10 ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4609 SYBR? Fast (Roche LC 480) 1 ml ¥400.00

KAPA KK4610 SYBR? Fast(Roche LC 480) 5 ml ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4611 SYBR? Fast(Roche LC 480) 10 ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4650 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型) 1ml ¥1,000.00

KAPA KK4651 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型) 5ml ¥4,500.00

KAPA KK4652 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(通用型) 10ml ¥8,000.00

KAPA KK4660 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism) 1ml ¥1,000.00

KAPA KK4661 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism) 5ml ¥4,500.00

KAPA KK4662 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(ABI Prism) 10ml ¥8,000.00

KAPA KK4670 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯樂型) 1ml ¥1,000.00

KAPA KK4671 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯樂型) 5ml ¥4,500.00

KAPA KK4672 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(伯樂型) 10ml ¥8,000.00

KAPA KK4680 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480) 1ml ¥1,000.00

KAPA KK4681 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480) 5ml ¥4,500.00

KAPA KK4682 1-step qRT-PCR Kit(Roche LC 480) 10ml ¥8,000.00

PROBE熒光定量 KAPA KK4701 PROBE FAST(通用型) 1 ml ¥400.00

KAPA KK4702 PROBE FAST(通用型) 5 ml ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4703 PROBE FAST(通用型) 10 ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4705 PROBE FAST(ABI Prism) 1 ml ¥400.00

KAPA KK4706 PROBE FAST(ABI Prism) 5 ml ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4707 PROBE FAST(ABI Prism) 10 ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4709 PROBE FAST(伯樂型) 1 ml ¥400.00

KAPA KK4710 PROBE FAST(伯樂型) 5 ml ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4711 PROBE FAST(伯樂型) 10 ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4714 PROBE FAST(ABI Prism,定制50ml體系) 50 ¥17,000.00

KAPA KK4715 PROBE FAST(通用型,定制50ml體系) 50 ¥17,000.00

KAPA KK4716 PROBE FAST (ROX Low Mastermix) 1ml ¥400.00

KAPA KK4717 PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix) 5 ml ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4718 PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix) 10 ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4719 PROBE FAST(ROX Low Mastermix) 50 ml ¥17,000.00

KAPA KK4722 KK4722KAPAPROBEFASTUnivrsalqPCRKitwithdUTP 500x20ul rxns ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK4752 PROBE FAST(1-step qRT-PCR Probe Universal) 5 ml ¥4,500.00

KAPA KK4300 通用型PROBE FORCE定量試劑 1ml ¥700.00

KAPA KK4301 通用型PROBE FORCE定量試劑 5ml ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK4302 通用型PROBE FORCE定量試劑 10ml ¥6,000.00

KAPA KK4303 通用型PROBE FORCE定量試劑 50ml ¥26,000.00

2G Robust酶及相關產品

KAPA KK5023 2G Robust 100 units ¥400.00

KAPA KK5024 2G Robust 250 units ¥900.00

KAPA KK5004 2G Robust(含dNTPs) 100units ¥400.00

KAPA KK5005 2G Robust(含dNTPs) 250 units ¥900.00

KAPA kk5522 2G Robust Hot Start 100units ¥600.00

KAPA KK5515 2G Robust Hot Start 250 units ¥1,400.00

KAPA KK5517 2G Robust Hot Start 500 units ¥2,400.00

KAPA KK5525 2G Robust Hot Start 2500units ¥9,000.00

KAPA KK5532 2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs) 100 units ¥700.00

KAPA KK5516 2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs) 250 units ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK5518 2G Robust Hot Start(含dNTPs) 500units ¥2,800.00

KAPA KK5701 2G Robust Hot Start Readymix 100rxn ¥700.00

KAPA KK5702 2G Robust Hot Start Readymix 500 rxn ¥2,600.00


KAPA KK5020 2G Fast 100 units ¥400.00

KAPA KK5021 2G Fast 250 units ¥900.00

KAPA KK5008 2G Fast(含dNTPs) 100 units ¥500.00

KAPA KK5009 2G Fast(含dNTPs) 250 units ¥1,100.00

KAPA KK5101 2G Fast Ready Mix+ Dye 100rxn ¥400.00

KAPA KK5102 2G Fast Ready Mix +Dye 500 rxn ¥1,400.00

KAPA KK5523 2G Fast Hot Start 100 units ¥600.00

KAPA KK5503 2G Fast Hot Start 250 units ¥1,300.00

KAPA KK5501 2G Fast Hot Start 500 units ¥2,400.00

KAPA KK5519 2G Fast Hot Start 2500 units ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK5530 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs) 100 units ¥700.00

KAPA KK5502 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs) 250uinits ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK5500 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs) 500 units ¥2,600.00

KAPA KK5513 2G Fast Hot Start(Buffer無Mg2+) 250 units ¥1,400.00

KAPA KK5511 2G Fast Hot Start(Buffer無Mg2+) 500 units ¥2,400.00

KAPA kk5512 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs,Buffer無Mg2+) 250 units ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK5510 2G Fast Hot Start(含dNTPs,Buffer無Mg2+) 500 units ¥2,800.00

KAPA KK5603 2G Fast Hot Start ReadyMix 100 rxn ¥400.00

KAPA KK5601 2G Fast Hot Start ReadyMix 500 rxn ¥1,400.00

KAPA KK5801 2G Fast Hot Start 100 rxn ¥500.00

KAPA KK5802 2G Fast Hot Start 500 rxn ¥1,900.00


KAPA KK7002 Blood PCR Kit A 500 rxn ¥2,500.00

KAPA KK7003 Blood PCR Kit B 500 rxn ¥2,500.00

KAPA KK7004 Blood PCR Kit A 1000 rxn ¥4,500.00

KAPA KK7005 Blood PCR Kit B 1000 rxn ¥4,500.00

DNA快速提取及擴增 KAPA KK7100 Express Extract 50 rxn ¥400.00

KAPA KK7101 Express Extract 100 rxn ¥700.00

KAPA KK7102 Express Extract 250 rxn ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK7103 Express Extract 500 rxn ¥2,600.00

KAPA KK7151 Express Extract+ 2GR HS 100 rxn combo ¥1,200.00

KAPA KK7152 Express Extract+ 2GR HS 500 rxn combo ¥4,600.00


KAPA KK7251 KAPA3G Plant PCR 250 units ¥3,000.00

KAPA KK7252 KAPA3G Plant PCR 500 units ¥5,400.00

Mouse Genotyping相關產品 KAPA KK7301 Mouse Genotyping Kit 100 rxn ¥800.00

KAPA KK7302 Mouse Genotyping Kit 500 rxn ¥4,000.00

KAPA KK7351 HS? Mouse Genotyping Kit 100 rxn ¥1,200.00

KAPA KK7352 HS? Mouse Genotyping Kit 500 rxn ¥5,000.00

KAPA KK5620 2G Fast HotStart Genotyping PCR Kit 100 rxn ¥500.00

KAPA KK5621 2G Fast HotStart Genotyping PCR Kit 500 rxn ¥2,000.00


KAPA KK8230 KAPA LTP文庫構建(含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 10個文庫 ¥2,500.00

KAPA KK8231 KAPA LTP文庫構建(不含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 10個文庫 ¥2,400.00

KAPA KK8232 KAPA LTP文庫構建(含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 50個文庫 ¥11,000.00

KAPA KK8233 KAPA LTP文庫構建(不含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 50個文庫 ¥10,500.00

KAPA KK8234 KAPA HTP文庫構建(含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 96個文庫 ¥18,000.00

KAPA KK8235 KAPA HTP文庫構建(不含文庫擴增)試劑盒-Illumina 96個文庫 ¥17,000.00

KAPA KK8260 KAPA TruSeq Adapter Kit, (Illumina, 20 μl each) 144 rxn ¥14,000.00

KAPA KK2620 KAPA Library Amplification Kit with Primers (50 x 50 μl reactions) 50rxn ¥1,800.00

KAPA KK2621 KAPA Library Amplification Kit with Primers (250 x 50 μl reactions) 250rxn ¥5,000.00

KAPA KK2623 KAPA Library Amplification Primer Kit (250 x 50 μl rxns) 250rxn ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK8400 KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (Illumina,24 reactions) 24 rxn ¥13,000.00

KAPA KK8401 KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (96 reactions) 96 rxn ¥40,000.00

KAPA KK8420 KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (24 reactions) 24 rxn ¥15,000.00

KAPA KK8421 KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (96 reactions) 96 rxn ¥47,000.00

KAPA KK8483 KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase(HMR) (24rxns) 24rxn ¥28,000.00

KAPA KK8484 KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase(HMR) (96rxns) 96rxn ¥98,000.00

KAPA KK8500 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (8 reactions) 8 rxn ¥3,100.00

KAPA KK8501 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (8 reactions) 8 rxn ¥2,970.00

KAPA KK8502 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (24 reactions) 24 rxn ¥8,100.00

KAPA KK8503 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (24 reactions) 24 rxn ¥7,830.00

KAPA KK8504 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (96 reactions) 96 rxn ¥28,100.00

KAPA KK8505 KAPA Hyper Prep Kit, no amplification (96 reactions) 96 rxn ¥27,000.00

KAPA KK8510 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,8 rxns) 8 rxn ¥3,500.00

KAPA KK8511 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,8 rxns) 8 rxn ¥3,370.00

KAPA KK8512 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,24 rxns) 24 rxn ¥9,300.00

KAPA KK8513 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,24rxns) 24 rxn ¥9,030.00

KAPA KK8514 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit (Illumina,96 rxns) 96 rxn ¥32,900.00

KAPA KK8515 KAPA Hyper Plus Kit, PCR-free (Illumina,96 rxns) 96 rxn ¥31,800.00

KAPA KK8300 Ion Torrent? Library Preparation Kit (8 reactions)? 8 rxn ¥2,520.00

KAPA KK8301 Ion Torrent? ?Library Preparation Kit (48 reactions) 48 rxn ¥13,860.00

KAPA KK8310 Ion Torrent Library Preparation Kit, no amplification (8 reactions)? 8 rxn ¥2,280.00

KAPA KK8311 Ion TorrentLibrary Preparation Kit, no amplification (48 reactions) 48 rxn ¥12,420.00

KAPA KK8330 Adapter Kit, non-Barcoded (8 reactions? ? Ion Torrent 8 rxn ¥1,200.00

KAPA KK8331 Adapter Kit, Barcodes 1 – 8 (48 reactions)? ?Ion Torrent 48 rxn ¥7,500.00

KAPA KK8332 Adapter Kit, Barcodes 9 – 16 (48 reactions)? ?Ion Torrent 48 rxn ¥7,500.00

KAPA KK8333 Adapter Kit, Barcodes 17 – 24 (48 reactions)? ?Ion Torrent 48 rxn ¥7,500.00


KAPA KK4800 DNA Quant Kit? ?Roche 454 FLX Each ¥6,000.00

KAPA KK4801 Primer Premix? Roche 454 FLX Each ¥3,000.00

KAPA KK4802 DNA Quant Kit? Roche 454 Titanium Each ¥6,000.00

KAPA KK4803 Primer Premix Roche 454 Titanium Each ¥3,000.00

KAPA KK4804 DNA Quant Kit? Illumina Genome Analyzer Each ¥6,000.00

KAPA KK4805 Primer Premix? Illumina Genome Analyzer Each ¥3,000.00

KAPA KK4806 DNA Quant Kit? ABI SOLiD Each ¥6,000.00

KAPA KK4807 Primer Premix? ABI SOLiD Each ¥3,000.00

KAPA KK4808 DNA Quant Kit? ?Illumina GA Revised Primers Each ¥6,000.00

KAPA KK4809 Primer Premix? Illumina GA Revised Primers Each ¥3,000.00

KAPA KK4812 DNA Quant Kit – Ion Torrent Each ¥6,000.00

KAPA KK4813 DNA Quantification Primer Premix –? Ion Torrent Each ¥3,000.00


KAPA KK4900 Library Quantification DNA Standards (454 FLX/Lib-A) 6 x 80 μl ¥4,000.00

KAPA KK4902 Library Quantification DNA Standards (SOLiD) 6 x 80 μl ¥4,000.00

KAPA KK4903 Library Quantification DNA Standards (Illumina) 6 x 80 μl ¥4,000.00

KAPA KK4904 Library Quantification DNA Standards (Ion Torrent) 6 x 80 μl ¥4,000.00

KAPA KK4923 KK4923Library Quant Primers+KSF(IIIumina/Uni) IIIumina/Uni ¥4,000.00

KAPA KK4924 kk4924 Library Quant primers+KSF(10mTorrent/uni) 10mTorrent/uni ¥5,000.00


KAPA KK4820 Library? Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Universal Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4821 Library? Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Universal Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4824 Library? Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers -SYBR Fast Universal Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4823 Library? Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Universal Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4830 Library? Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast ABI Prism Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4831 Library? Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast ABI Prism Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4835 Library? Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers -SYBR Fast ABI Prism Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4833 Library? Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast ABI Prism Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4840 Library? Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4841 Library? Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4844 Library? Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4843 Library? Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Bio-Rad iCycler Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4850 Library? Quant Kit,Roche 454 FLX-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480 Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4851 Library? Quant Kit,Roche 454 Titanium-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler 480 Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4854 Library? Quant Kit,Illumina GA revised primers-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480 Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4853 Library? Quant Kit,ABI SOLiD-SYBR Fast Roche Light Cycler480 Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4834 Library? Quant Kit,Illumina GA ABI Prism Custom Kit- Sanger Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4827 Library? Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM universal Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4838 Library? Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM ABI Prism Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4847 Library? Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM? Bio-Rad iCycler Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4857 Library? Quant Kit,Ion Torrent PGM? Roche Light Cycler480 Each ¥7,000.00

KAPA KK4873 KK4873Library Quant Kit (Illumina/ROX Low) 500rxn ¥7,000.00


KAPA KK4960 hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Universal qPCR Mastermix Each ¥8,000.00

KAPA KK4961 hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR ABI Prism qPCR Mastermix Each ¥8,000.00

KAPA KK4962 hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Bio-Rad qPCR Mastermix Each ¥8,000.00

KAPA KK4963 hg DNA Quant & QC kit with SYBR Light Cycler 480 qPCR Mastermix Each ¥8,000.00

KAPA KK4964 hg DNA Quant & QC DNA Standards Kit Each ¥6,000.00

KAPA KK4965 hg DNA Quant & QC and 41 bp Primer Kit Each ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK4966 hg DNA Quant & QC and 129 bp Primer Kit Each ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK4967 hg DNA Quant & QC and 305 bp Primer Kit Each ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK4969 hg DNA Quant & QC Kit with ROX Low qPCR Mastermix Each ¥8,000.00

KAPA產品歸類 KAPA Product Code Product Category Quantity


KAPA KK1014 Taq 酶 250 units ¥380.00

KAPA KK1015 Taq 酶 500 units ¥700.00

KAPA BK1000 Taq 酶 2500 units ¥2,500.00

KAPA BK1002 Taq 酶 5000 units ¥3,800.00

KAPA KK1008 Taq 酶(含dNTPs) 250 units ¥450.00

KAPA KK1016 Taq 酶(含dNTPs) 500 units ¥800.00

KAPA BK1001 Taq 酶(含dNTPs) 2500 units ¥3,500.00

KAPA BK1003 Taq 酶(含dNTPs) 5000 units ¥5,500.00

KAPA KK1006 Taq 酶 ReadyMix 250×50μl反應 ¥900.00

KAPA KK1020 Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye 250 units ¥380.00

KAPA KK1022 Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye 500 units ¥700.00

KAPA BK1004 Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye 2500 units ¥2,500.00

KAPA BK1006 Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye 5000 units ¥3,800.00

KAPA KK1021 Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye(含dNTPs) 250 units ¥450.00

KAPA KK1023 Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye(含dNTPs) 500 units ¥800.00

KAPA BK1005 Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye(含dNTPs) 2500 units ¥3,500.00

KAPA BK1007 Taq 酶Buffer w/ loading dye(含dNTPs) 5000 units ¥5,500.00

KAPA KK1024 Taq 酶ReadyMix w/loading dye 250×50μl反應 ¥900.00

KAPA KK1508 熱啟動Taq酶 250 units ¥800.00

KAPA KK1510 熱啟動Taq酶 500 units ¥1,200.00

KAPA KK1513 熱啟動Taq酶 2500 units ¥5,000.00

KAPA KK1509 熱啟動Taq酶(含dNTPs) 250 units ¥900.00

KAPA KK1511 熱啟動Taq酶(含dNTPs) 500 units ¥1,500.00

KAPA KK1512 熱啟動Taq酶without buffers 2500 units ¥5,000.00


KAPA KK6010 T4 DNA Ligase,5units/μL (Weiss Units) 250 units ¥600.00

KAPA KK6011 T4 DNA Ligase,5units/μL (Weiss Units) 1250 units ¥2,500.00

KAPA KK6110 T4 DNA Ligase,Rapid Ligation Kit 50 rxn ¥1,400.00

KAPA KK6111 T4 DNA Ligase,Rapid Ligation Kit 150 rxn ¥3,800.00

KAPA 產品歸類 KAPA Product Code Product Category Quantity


KAPA PKA1001 PKA1001 Truseq Adapter index1 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1002 PKA1002 Truseq Adapter? index2 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1003 PKA1003 Truseq Adapter index3 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1004 PKA1004 Truseq Adapter index4 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1005 PKA1005 Truseq Adapter index5 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1006 PKA1006 Truseq Adapter index6 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1007 PKA1007 Truseq Adapter index7 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1008 PKA1008 Truseq Adapter? index8 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1009 PKA1009 Truseq Adapter index9 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1010 PKA1010 Truseq Adapter? index10 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1011 PKA1011 Truseq Adapter index11 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKA1012 PKA1012 Truseq Adapter index12 30uM*20ul ¥400.00

KAPA PKR2001 PKR2001 PKR Truseq Adapter Kit index1-12 30uMx20ul ¥4,800.00

KAPA PKR2012 PKR2012 (13-27) 30uMx20ul ¥4,800.00

KAPA PKR2015 PKR2015 (1-24) 10μl ¥3,750.00

KAPA PKR2016 PKR2016 (25-48) 10μl ¥3,750.00

KAPA PKR2017 PKR2017 (49-72) 10μl ¥3,750.00

KAPA PKR2018 PKR2018 (73-96) 10μl ¥3,750.00


KAPA KK8600 KK8600 Library Preparation – Illumina? ? 8 rxn ¥560.00

KAPA KK8601 KK8601 Library Preparation – Illumina? ? ? 24 rxn ¥1,620.00

KAPA KK8602 KK8602 Library Preparation – Illumina? ? ? 96 rxn ¥6,300.00


KAPA KK8000 KK8000 KAPA Pure Beads (5mL)? 5ml ¥2,200.00

KAPA KK8001 KK8001 KAPA Pure Beads (30mL) 30ml ¥6,600.00

KAPA KK8002 KK8002 KAPA Pure Beads (60mL) 60ml ¥11,000.00?

KAPA KK4824-Library Quantification Kit 文庫定量試劑

KAPA KK4824-Library Quantification Kit 文庫定量試劑


KAPA Biosystems是一家美國生物公司,成立于2006年,其生產基地位于南非開普敦。KAPA Biosystems致力于研發、生產下一代PCR(Next-Generation PCR)所需的生物酶。目前其分子進化平臺開發的產品已被廣泛應用于DNA擴增、二代測序、分子診斷等領域。

KAPA KK4824-Library Quantification Kit 文庫定量試劑

英文名稱:KAPA Library Quantification Kits for Illumina platforms


KAPA 文庫定量試劑盒(illumina平臺)特別設計用于Illumina測序文庫的準確和可重復的定量,包含qPCR定量所需所有試劑。試劑盒含有新型KAPA SYBR FAST DNA聚合酶,保證效率的前提下,能定量平均片段長度高達1kb的Illumina文庫。


試劑盒適用序列GC含量范圍寬泛,平均片段長度可達1 kb。





KAPA Library定量試劑盒(illumina平臺)特別設計用于Illumina測序文庫的準確和可重復的定量。適用文庫不限類型、構建方式和illumina測序儀型號,只要濃度> 0.0002 pM,并且含有與試劑盒中引物互補的序列(Illumina P5 and P7流動池寡核苷酸序列),都可以使用該試劑盒進行定量。

KAPA Library Quantification Kits for Illumina platforms are suitable for the quantification of any NGS library (prepared for Illumina sequencing) which contains the P5 and P7 flow cell sequence motifs. Libraries constructed using full-length universal or indexed TruSeq™ adapters can be quantified after adapter ligation. Libraries prepared with partial or stem-loop adapters can only be quantified with this kit after library amplification, during which indexes (and flow cell sequences) are added. To ensure compatibility, compare the adapter sequences used during library preparation with the library quantification primer sequences in Product Description.

Ensure that the correct KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix is used, in accordance with the reference dye requirements (if any) of the qPCR instrument to be used for library quantification.










適用于Illumina平臺的KAPA Library定量試劑盒包含所有含P5和P7流動池序列的Illumina文庫進行qPCR定量所需的完整試劑。



?文庫定量DNA標準品 1 – 6 (a 10-fold dilution series of a linear, 452 bp template)

?文庫定量引物Primer Premix (10X), 引物序列:

Primer 1: 5′-AAT GAT ACG GCG ACC ACC GA-3′


?KAPA SYBR? FAST qPCR Master Mix (2X),各種passive reference染料。

該試劑盒含有新型KAPA SYBR FAST DNA聚合酶,通過定向進化過程設計用于高性能SYBR Green I型qPCR。改造的聚合酶以相似的效率擴增不同DNA片段的能力使得能夠使用通用標準來可靠地量化平均片段長度高達1kb的所有Illumina文庫,而不管文庫類型或GC含量如何。

KAPA SYBR FAST是一種抗體介導的熱啟動DNA聚合酶制劑。


1.?使用KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix和引物(靶向Illumina P5和P7流動池序列)


2. 繪制每個DNA標準品的平均Cq值與log10(濃度:pM)的關系曲線,以產生標準曲線。使用定量對照標準曲線計算稀釋的文庫樣品的濃度。


Library quantification is performed by amplifying the set of six pre-diluted DNA Standards and diluted library samples by qPCR, using the KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix and primers targeting the Illumina P5 and P7 flow cell oligo sequences. The average Cq score for each DNA Standard is plotted against log10(concentration in pM) to generate a standard curve. The concentrations of diluted library samples are then calculated against the standard curve, using absolute quantification.