Lumiprobe蛋白質組學試劑 Proteomic reagents

Lumiprobe蛋白質組學試劑 Proteomic reagents

上海金畔生物科技有限公司作為Lumiprobe中國正規簽約授權代理商,上海金畔生物Lumiprobe官網:商峁?a >Lumiprobe的完整產品線,所有規格產品保證貨期5-7工作日到貨,滿足您的各種科研實驗需求。Lumiprobe產品包括:羧酸類染料、羰基類染料,標記分子氨基活性染料,標記分子巰基活性染料,動物活體成像用染料,蛋白質、多肽、核酸等生物分子標記染料、點擊化學等。渠道正規(市場上部分是分裝,質量不能保證),質量保證,價格極具競爭力,而且我們的貨期僅需要5-7工作日,不需要像其他家攢單導致貨期3-4周。

Lumiprobe蛋白質組學試劑 Proteomic reagents

Cyanine2 NHS ester minimal dye

Cyanine2 NHS ester minimal dye for protein labeling

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Cat. #QuantityPriceLead timeBuy this product

1A041 5 nmol
2A041 10 nmol
3A041 25 nmol

Cyanine3 NHS ester minimal dye

Cyanine3 minimal dye for protein labeling.

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Cat. #QuantityPriceLead timeBuy this product

1B041 5 nmol
2B041 10 nmol
3B041 25 nmol

Cyanine5 NHS ester minimal dye

Cy5 NHS ester minimal dye for protein labeling.

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Cat. #QuantityPriceLead timeBuy this product

1C041 5 nmol
2C041 10 nmol
3C041 25 nmol


1A041 Cy2-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine2 NHS ester minimal dye, 5 nmol
2A041 Cy2-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine2 NHS ester minimal dye, 10 nmol
3A041 Cy2-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine2 NHS ester minimal dye, 25 nmol
1B041 Cy3-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine3 NHS ester minimal dye, 5 nmol
2B041 Cy3-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine3 NHS ester minimal dye, 10 nmol
3B041 Cy3-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine3 NHS ester minimal dye, 25 nmol
1C041 Cy5-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine5 NHS ester minimal dye, 5 nmol
2C041 Cy5-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine5 NHS ester minimal dye, 10 nmol
3C041 Cy5-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine5 NHS ester minimal dye, 25 nmol

* 上述中文名稱僅供參考,訂貨以貨號和英文名稱為準

輔助試劑?Auxiliary reagents
抗壞血酸 Ascorbic acid

ascorbic acid for reduction of Cu(II)-TBTA complex.

Ascorbic acid
Copper(II)-TBTA complex, 10 mM in 55% aq. DMSO

Catalyst for bioconjugate synthesis by Click Chemistry.

DMF (dimethylformamide)
標記級別二甲基酰胺 DMF (dimethylformamide), labeling grade

Dry high purity amine free solvent for NHS ester labeling.


1A041 Cy2-N-羥基琥珀酰亞胺酯 Cyanine2 NHS ester minimal dye, 5 nmol
12050 抗壞血酸 Ascorbic acid, 10 mg
21050 銅-TBTA絡合物,10mM溶于55%的二甲亞砜水溶液 Copper(II)-TBTA complex, 10 mM in 55% aq. DMSO, 1.5 mL
13050 標記級別二甲基酰胺 DMF (dimethylformamide), labeling grade, 1 mL

* 上述中文名稱僅供參考,訂貨以貨號和英文名稱為準

羅丹明對照品染料用于快速PCR ROX reference dye for qPCR

ROX is a passive reference dye for qPCR amplification. The dye can be used to normalize fluorescence intensity of reporter dye in qPCR.

SYBR Green I 染料用于實時PCR SYBR Green I for Real Time PCR, 100x

SYBR Green I stock solution for Real Time PCR, 100x.

SYBR Green I 凝膠染色溶液 SYBR Green I Gel Staining Solution, 10000x

SYBR Green I dye for staining dsDNA in gelen.


31110 羅丹明對照品染料用于快速PCR ROX reference dye for qPCR, 500 uL
41010 SYBR Green I 染料用于實時PCR SYBR Green I for Real Time PCR, 100x, 1 mL
51010 SYBR Green I 染料用于實時PCR SYBR Green I for Real Time PCR, 100x, 1.5 mL
51010-5 SYBR Green I 染料用于實時PCR SYBR Green I for Real Time PCR, 100x, 5×1.5 mL
20010 SYBR Green I 凝膠染色溶液 SYBR Green I Gel Staining Solution, 10000x, 1 mL