Wako LabAssay™ Series of -Biochemical Test Kits

Wako LabAssay™ Series of -Biochemical Test Kits

Wako LabAssay(TM)系列定量檢測試劑盒

290-63701 LabAssay™ Triglyceride(甘油三酯定量檢測試劑盒)1000次.
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LabAssay™ is an ELISA kit for simultaneous measurement of multi animal-samples using a microplate as well as measurement using test tubes.
# Category Detection Product Name Wako Catalog No. Pkg. Size Grade
1 Lipid Triglyceride LabAssay™ Triglyceride 290-63701 1,000 tests for Cellbiology
2 Enzyme ALP LabAssay™ ALP 291-58601 900 tests
3 Protein & nonprotein nitrogen compounds A/G LabAssay™ A/G 292-63901 1,000 tests
Creatinin LabAssay™ Creatinin * 290-65901 500 tests
Uric Acid LabAssay™ Uric Acid 292-64001 1,300 tests
4 Sugar Glucose LabAssay™ Glucose 298-65701 1,000 tests

1. Lipid

LabAssay™ Triglyceride (GPO?DAOS method)

Recent studies have shown that the expression of connexin 26, a protein component of gap junction, is increased in cancer cell lines, and suggested that the protein is involved in the mechanism of metastasis in cancer cells.
It has been revealed that MI-22 (metastasis inhibitor-22), which is a derivative of oleamide, does not only inhibit the connexin 26-mediated formation of gap junction between cancer and other cells but inhibits the spontaneous metastasis in vivo.

(1) Sensitivity (Absorbance):
Purifi ed water: max. 0.10 / 300mg/dL triglyceride sample: 0.09 ~ 0.25
(2) Specifi city (Triglyceride Concentration):
A known concentration of control serum: within ±12%

[Reference] 1) Spayd, R. W., Bruschi, B., et al.: Clin. Chem., 24, 1343 (1978).

Description Wako Cat. No. (Pkg. Size) Grade Note
LabAssay™ Triglyceride(GPO?DAOS method) 290-63701 (1,000 tests) for Cellbiology Keep and ship at 2~10 ?C
[Kit Contents]

1. Buff er: 3 vials x for 105 mL
2. Chromogen Substrate: 3 vials x for 105 mL
3. Standard Solution: 1 vial x 10 mL

2. Enzymes

LabAssay™ ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase activity assay with p-Nitrophenylphosphate as a substrate)

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is distributed in a variety of tissues such as liver, bone, and small intestine in animals. The change of the enzyme activity in tissues is an important hallmark for physiological phenomena as osteogenesis and so on.
This kit is for Alkaline Phosphatase assay in a simultaneous multi-sample assay format with a microplate using p-Nitrophenylphosphate as a substrate.
<Dynamic Assay Range> above 0.06 mmol/L
<Standard Assay Range> 0 ~ 0.5 mmol/L, <Reproducibility> C.V. below 10 %

[Reference] 1) Yamamoto, M., Takahashi, Y., Tabata, Y. : Biomaterials.24 (24), 4375 (2003).

Description Wako Cat. No. (Pkg. Size) Grade Note
LabAssay™ ALP 291-58601 (900 tests) for Cellbiology Keep and ship at 2~10 ?C
[Kit Contents]

1. Substrate Tablet (p-Nitrophenylphosphate Disodium 6.7 mmol/L, after dissolving): 20 tablets
2. Buff er Solution (2.0 mmol/L MgCl2, 0.1 mol/L Carbonate Buff er, pH 9.8): 1 vial x 100 mL
3. Stop Solution (0.2 mol/L Sodium Hydroxide Solution): 1 vial x 100 mL
4. Standard Solution (0.5 mmol/L p-Nitrophenol Solution): 1 vial x 10 mL

3. Protein & nonprotein nitrogen compounds

LabAssay™ A/G (BCG method, Biuret method)


1) Doumas, B. T., Watson, W. A. and Biggs, H. G. : Clin. Chem. Acta., 31, 87 (1971).
2) Gornall, A. G., Bardawill, C. J. and David, M. M. : J. Biol. Chem., 177, 751 (1949).
Blood serum contains two major protein groups: albumin and globulin. The ratio of albumin to globulin (A/G ratio) is calculated from values obtained by direct measurement of total protein and albumin. It represents the relative amounts of albumin and globulins.
This kit is able to measure total protein in mouse and human serum by the Biuret method and albumin by the BCG (Bromocresol green) method, and furthermore to calculate A/G ratio.
(1) Sensitivity (Absorbance):
Purified water: 0.120 ~ 0.220 / Std Serum (5.0 g/dL Alb): 0.480 ~ 0.810
(2) Specificity (albumin concentration):
a known concentration of control serum: within ±12%
Total Protein
(1) Sensitivity (Absorbance):
Purified water: 0.050 ~ 0.100 / Std Serum (8.0g/dL Total protein): 0.300 ~ 0.500
(2) Specificity (protein concentration)
a known concentration of control serum: within ±10%
Description Wako Cat. No. (Pkg. Size) Grade Note
LabAssay™ A/G(BCG method, Biuret method) 292-63901 (1,000 tests) for Cellbiology Keep and ship at 2~10 ?C
[Kit Contents]

1. Albumin Chromogen Reagent: 1 vial x 250 mL
2. Total Protein Chromogen Reagent: 1 vial x 250 mL
3. Standard Serum (from Bovine Serum): 1 vial x for 3 mL
4. Albumin Adjustment Buffer: 1 vial x 25 mL

LabAssay™ Creatinine (Jaffé method)

Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle. It is mainly fi ltered by the kidneys, though a small amount is actively secreted. LabAssayTM Creatinine is based on an in vitro colorimetric Jaffé method for the quantitative determination of creatinine in mouse serum or urine.
(1) Sensitivity in a test tube (Absorbance): Purified water: 0.010 ~ 0.020 / 10mg/dL creatinine: 0.400 ~ 0.500
(2) Specificity (Creatinine Concentration): A known concentration of control serum: within ±10%


1) Bonsnes, R. W. and Taussky, H. H.: J. Biol. Chem., 158, 581(1945).
2) Henry, R. J.: Clinical Chemistry, 287 (Harper & Row), New York (1966
Description Wako Cat. No. (Pkg. Size) Grade Note
LabAssay™ Creatinine(Jeffé method) 290-65901 (500 tests) for Cellbiology Keep and ship at 2~10 °C in a dark place
[Kit Contents]

1. Deproteinizing Ragemt:
(Sodium Tungstate, Phosphoric Acid)
1 vial x 150 mL
2. Picric Acid Reagent: 1 vial x 50 mL
3. 0.75 mol/L Sodium Hydroxide Solution: 1 vial x 50 mL
4. Standard Solution (Creatinine: 10 mg/dL): 1 vial x 15 mL

LabAssay™ Uric Acid (Uricase?TOOS method)

Uric acid is the relatively water-insoluble end product of purine nucleotide metabolism.
This kit is able to measure uric acid in mouse and human serum by an enzyme reaction using N-Ethyl- N- (2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl) -3-methylaniline sodium salt (TOOS).
(1) Sensitivity (Absorbance) Purified water: max. 0.15 / 10 mg/dL Uric Acid: 0.04 ~ 0.26
(2) Specificity (uric acid concentration): a known concentration of control serum: within ±15%


1) Kabasakalian, P., Kalliney, S. and Westcott, A.: Clin. Chem., 19, 522-524 (1973).
Description Wako Cat. No. (Pkg. Size) Grade Note
LabAssay™ Uric Acid(Uricase?TOOS method) 292-64001 (1,300 tests) for Cellbiology Keep and ship at 2~10 °C
[Kit Contents]

1. Chromogen: 4 vials x for 100 mL
1. Buffer: 4 vials x 100 mL
1. Standard Solution (Uric acid 10 mg.dL): 1 vial x 10 mL

4. Sugar

LabAssay™ Glucose (Mutarotase-GOD method)

When a sample is mixed with the Choromogen Reagent, the a-form of glucose in the sample is converted to b-form by mutarotase. b-DGlucose is oxidized and yields hydrogen peroxide by glucose oxidase (GOD). In the presence of peroxidase (POD), the formed hydrogen peroxide yields a red pigment by quantitative oxidation condensation with phenol and 4-aminoantipyrine. The glucose concentration is obtained by measuring absorbance of the red pigment.
(1) Sensitivity (Absorbance): Purified water: max. 0.03 / 200mg/dL glucose sample: 0.40 ~ 0.55
(2) Specificity (Glucose Concentration): A known concentration of control serum or urine: within ±12%


1) Miwa, I., Okuda, J., Maeda, K. and Okuda, G.: Clin. Chim. Acta., 37, 538 (1972).
Description Wako Cat. No. (Pkg. Size) Grade Note
LabAssay™ Glucose(Mutarotase-GOD method) 298-65701 (1,000 tests) for Cellbiology Keep and ship at 2~10 °C in a dark place
[Kit Contents]

1. Buffer: 2 vials x 150 mL
2. Chromogen Reagent: 2 vials x for 150 mL
3. Glucose Standard I (200 mg/dL Glucose): 1 vial x 10 mL
4. Glucose Standard II (500 mg/dL Glucose): 1 vial x 10 mL