AppliChem A5219二氧化碳培養箱水源消毒劑 Incuwater-Clean
AppliChem A5219二氧化碳培養箱水源消毒劑 Incuwater-Clean
Product Code:?A5219
Product Name:??Incuwater-Clean™
Headline Comment:
- Incuwater-Clean™ is a registered trademark of AppliChem GmbH.
- Disinfectant solution for CO2-incubator water baths.
? 100X concentrated solution. Use 50 ml per 5 liter of incubator water bath.
? for the prevention of microbial growth in incubator water baths.
The water required to create the humidity is a source of contamination which disperses in the incubator. In order to disinfect the water we recommend Incuwater-Clean™ solution, which contains a disinfectant that does not cause damage to the stainless steel tray, is non-toxic, non-volatile, and extremely effective. The water should be replaced with sterile water every two to four weeks, adding 50 ml of Incuwater-Clean™ per 5 liters of water. This product can be applied in normal water baths too.
來自德國素有”小Sigma”之稱的AppliChem,獨創Myco支原體清除系列,能有效的清除細胞培養過程中的支原體污染,為廣大科研工作者解決了困擾許久的難題,同時,也推出系列預防產品,以防止失而復得的細胞再次遭受污染之災。德國AppliChem獨創專門針對水池抗支原體污染的系列產品。產品應用于容器表面的消毒, 以及二氧化碳培養箱蓄水槽, 各種水箱, 及清洗用水池的消毒。
Incuwater-Clean 主要用于細胞培養箱內的水源消毒,為100X濃縮液,直接加入滅菌水中,使用方便,該試劑高效無毒,無揮發性,并且不會腐蝕金屬表面。建議培養箱中每2-4周更換一次滅菌水,并加入Incuwater-Clean。
品牌 | 產品貨號 | 品名 | 規格 | |
AppliChem | A5219 | Incuwater-Clean | 100ml |